哈佛学者当选流西藏流亡政府总理 中共难堪 * 阿.:.新闻网
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哈佛学者当选流西藏流亡政府总理 中共难堪













Tibetan Exiles' New Leader

The Tibetan Government in Exile announced
on April 27 that Dr. Lobsang Sangay, a Harvard
Law School research fellow, was elected as
Prime Minister of the exiled Tibetans.
This marks the end of Tibet's 300 years of theocracy.
Experts said that the new situation would be encouraging
to the Tibetans in China, but embarrassing to the CCP.

The voters-in-exile were from 13 countries, including
India, U.S.A., Canada, and Australia. The number of
voters was about 50,000. Due to the pressure from
the Chinese authorities (CCP), over 20,000 Tibetans
in Nepal and Bhutan were barred from voting.

Rep of Tibetan government in Taiwan, Dawa Tsering
said, the election marked the end of Tibet's theocracy
and the establishment of a democracy.

Dawa Tsering: It marks the end of Tibetan theocracy,
which was established in 1642 by the 5th Dalai Lama.
From an institutional perspective or on the theoretical
level, the political system is being democratized.
Tibet is on the road of no return towards democracy.

Lobsang Sangay, 43, was born in India and graduated
from the Univ. of Delhi. He served as leader of Tibetan
Youth Congress. In 1995, he went to the U.S. and later
received his DJS from Harvard Univ. After graduation,
he worked as a research fellow at Harvard Law School.

Spokesman Thupten Samphel for Tibetan authorities
told VOA, Lobsang Sangay's biggest challenge is how
to continue dialogue with the CCP for Tibetan issues.

Dawa Tsering believes the CCP lacks sincerity in
peace talks. Changes within the Tibetans in exile
cannot solve the Sino-Tibetan problems.
The CCP is very angry at the new situation, because
it can no longer control Tibet through supporting
religious leaders, as Dalai Lama has already quit.

Dawa Tsering: Regardless the situation,
the CCP government will attack it and call it cheating.
Of course, the CCP would certainly be embarrassed,
as it said that there was no Tibetan issue,
but only the issue with the Dalai Lama.
Since Dalai Lama is no longer the government leader,
the CCP will be forced to face the existing Tibetan issue.
In the past, it could use obscure or religious means.
Now it has to face the issue directly.

To the Tibetans in China, the situation of secularism
is an encouraging prospect for their future.

Dawa Tsering: The Tibetans inside Tibet also want a
future for Tibet. They want to know if the Dalai Lama
is no longer around one day, what kind of situation
and development will take place.
Many Tibetans inside China who hope for a democratic
future Tibet want to have clearer prospects.
This democratic election and Dalai Lama's retirement
actually give such a prospect to the Tibetan people.

Lobsang Sangay has said that he fully supported
Dalai Lama's pursuit of the road.
It is to seek Tibet's autonomy under the Chinese rule,
instead of independence.
Retired professor Yang Liyu of Seton Hall University
told Radio Free Asia that in the foreseeable future,
Lobsang Sangay wouldn't deviate from the road.
However, there can be changes in the long run.
He belongs to the younger generation.
Many of this generation advocate independence.

The CCP authorities recently arrested 300 monks
in Kirti Temple in Aba County and killed two villagers.
Tibetan exiles in Dharmsala, India, are protesting
the CCP's new round of bloody crackdown.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Zhou Ping

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