天宫一号升空 航天专家:形象工程 美苏50年前水平 * 阿.:.新闻网
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天宫一号升空 航天专家:形象工程 美苏50年前水平














2008 年,中共喉舌媒体发布的神舟7号飞船视频,因为画面出现气泡等无法解释的现象,被人怀疑是在水中拍摄造假,并不是真正的太空漫步。而2007年,〝嫦娥一号〞探测器在月球发回来的第一张照片,在旋转20度之后,与google earth上的月球照片一模一样,也被证实造假。



Scientists Refer to Tiangong-1 as "The Project for Image"

China National Space Administration recently launched China’s
first space laboratory module, Tiangong-1 (Heavenly Palace),
in hopes of mastering space docking technology.
The Chinese Communist Regime invests heavily in space
technology. Scientists point out it is merely a project for image.
It is a costly project with technology falling 50 years
behind the US.
It actually serves no good to either the country or the people.

On the evening of September 29, China’s first space laboratory
module, Tiangong-1, was launched at the Jiuquan Satellite
Launch Center in Gansu province.
The official indicated Shenzhou-8 spacecraft will be launched
in November to dock with Tiangong-1.
If successful, China will be the third country, following the USA
and Russia, mastering space docking technique.

Tiangong-1’s designs are based on Russian space technology.
It measures more than 9 meter long, 3.35 meters in diameter, and 8.5 tons.
The prototype consists of two segments,
the experiment module and a resource module. The operational lifespan is anticipated to be two years.

Dr. Huang Zuwei, a NASA engineer, indicated in an interview
with NTD that space docking technology was developed in the USA and Russia nearly 50 years ago.

NASA engineer Dr. Huang Zuwei: "If you (the CCP)
really want to compare to the US or the former Soviet Union,
there’s a gap of a few dozen of years in space technology.
No matter how you rush it, you can’t narrow the gap.
Technology requires solid foundation. There’s no other way.
You have to go step by step."

In an interview with CNN, associate professor Taylor Fravel of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also indicated,
"Tiangong has been likened to the Gemini program conducted
by the U.S. 50 years ago."

Since 1992, the CCP has poured an enormous amount of
money into space technology development.
The unmanned space station, Tiangong-1, was launched
as part of an effort to build a manned space station in 2020.

Although the Chinese media heavily publicizes Tiangong,
many netizens showed their indifference on this issue and
indicated, "would rather the government care about
the trend of housing."

Huang Zuwei mentioned that the education budget in China
is even lower than some African countries.
Many Chinese live a hard life and can’t afford to see a doctor.
He does not believe it’s a necessity for the CCP to invest heavily in space technology.

NASA engineer Dr. Huang Zuwei: “Why aren’t other
developed countries such as England, France,
or Japan active in space technology?
Because they know many things about it are not so practical.
With so many problems in China, space technology is
really not necessary. It costs so much just for an act.
Other people have already accomplished this more than
a few dozen years ago. It’s merely a show, even if you are able to do it, so what?”

The Former Soviet Union pulled the whole nation into
the so-called space race with the US. They launched spacecraft,
built space stations, but also sacrificed economical development.
With the awakening of people and abandonment of
the communist party, the Soviet Union and
the Soviet communist party disintegrated.

Space technology has become so expensive over the years that
the United States and Russia have been keeping low-key in its development.
On the contrary, the CCP does not hesitate, even with all the cost,
to create its powerful space image.
On the Chinese website, "Deutsche Welle" published an article
from freelance writer Liu Yiming.
Mr. Liu stated that this is an illusion the CCP created
to show off its so-called “success."

Zhang Xinyu: "It (the CCP) is in a lot of debt.
The development of space technique is to deceive the people
domestically, and to threaten the international community.
The main purpose is to deceive its own people.
The intention is to make people believe that the CCP is great,
honorable, and right. It’s been all about image."

In 2008, the CCP mouthpiece media released a video of
Shenzhou 7 spacecraft. The screen showed bubbles,
a phenomenon that can not be explained.
People suspected that it’s a fraud and was created by filming
under water, rather than a real space walk.
In 2007, Chang’e 1’s first 3-D image of the lunar surface,
after a rotation of 20 degrees, was exactly the same as
found in google earth, and thus was confirmed false.

NTD Television reporters: Liang Xin, Li Qian and Ge Lei.

责任编辑: 王笃若   转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
