官方辟谣 封山盘查引猜想 周克华案黑幕深 * 阿.:.新闻网
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官方辟谣 封山盘查引猜想 周克华案黑幕深






1, 死者有长沙到重庆的车票,而周克华为逃过追捕不敢坐车;
2, 身穿的黑皮鞋、斜挎包和衣物不像逃窜犯,反而和其他便衣警察非常一致;
3, 死者看起来大概28岁左右,而周克华40多岁;
4, 根据死者身边瓷砖推断,死者大概身高1米8左右,远远要比周克华高;
5, 死者稍胖,皮肤白嫩,而周克华偏瘦,皮肤发黑;
6, 耳朵细微部与通缉照片出入较大;
7, 周克华不戴眼镜,但现场有眼镜摔在一旁。






原《河北人民广播电台》编辑朱欣欣:〝既要炒,但是又不能炒的太过分。最终不能是炒了半天,炒不好的话就可能漏洞百出,露了很多马脚。所以它要拿捏这个火候。 〞



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Geleshan Closure Leads to Questions about Death
of Zhou Kehua

The Chinese officials reported that Zhou Kehua, suspect
of the August 10 Chongqing shooting and multiple murder and robbery offender was killed in Shapingba.
However, people have many doubts about Zhou Kehua’s death.

Recently, Chongqing Geleshan was shut down
for fire prevention.
Police conducted an investigation at Sichuan
International Studies University.
The reality of Zhou Kehua’s death grew
more complicated and confusing.

Chongqing official media claimed that in light
of the high-grade forest fire forecast,
part of the mountain forest in Chongqing such as
Geleshan and Tieshanping
have been shut down for around the clock monitoring
and inspections;
Unauthorized persons and vehicles are prohibited from
entering the mountains.

NTD reporters: "Have you received notice to not operate?"
A farmhouse in Chongqing: "Yes. Someone is here checking."

Internet users broke the news on the microblogs that a
large number of police gathered at Chongqing martyrs tomb,
and police were conducting interrogations at a Sichuan
International Studies University dormitory near Geleshan.

The officials previously reported that Zhou Kehua had hidden
in Geleshan, and the authorities had sent tens of thousands of soldiers and police to arrest him.
Therefore, the authorities’ actions have naturally caused
questioning about whether or not Zhou Kehua was killed.

Netizens analyzed the deceased looked more like a plain-
clothes police officer. For example:
1. The deceased had a ticket from Changsha to Chongqing.
It is highly unlikely that Zhou Kehua would take the ride because he was attempting to avoid arrest;
2. The deceased dressed more like a plain-clothes police
with black shoes and a messenger bag.
His outfit does not look like that of a fleeing suspect.

3. The deceased looked about 28 years old,
while Zhou Kehua is over 40 years of age;
4. The deceased, who appears much taller than Zhou Kehua,
is about 5’ 9” based on the tiles surrounding him;
5. The deceased was a little overweight and had a light
skin color, while Zhou Kehua was slim and had dark skin.
6. The ears of the deceased were quite different from
the suspect’s photo.
7. Zhou Kehua did not wear glasses,
but there was a pair of glass on the side of the scene.

It is therefore speculated that a plainclothes police
might have accidentally been killed.
Another netizen exposed the true identity of the deceased.

He is a Hunan plainclothes police officer named Chen Zihe,
who went to assist local police.

Guangzhou human rights lawyer Tang Jingling: "This
analysis seems to make sense.
Especially the fact such as blockade with a photo of Zhou
Kehua makes it plausible that the authorities have killed a plainclothes police themselves."

Guangzhou rights lawyer Tang Jingling also says that
if it is manslaughter, many might have been involved in a crime.

Tang Jingling: "This accident would not have become a crime
and involved many officials if the truth was told at the beginning.
Revealing the facts now will involve many officials
and resistance is going to be big.
It would be difficult for the authorities
to give a convincing explanation now."

Earlier, New Tang Dynasty(NTD) TV reported that
Zhou Kehua has committed crimes for the past 8 years.
That the authorities suddenly got on his case is most likely
to divert focus away from Gu Kailai, Wang Lijun, and Bo Xilai,
especially for their involvement in crimes such as body
trafficking and organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
But why is the authority anxious to kill Zhou Kehua,
even at the cost of a plainclothes police as an alternative?

Former Hebei People's Radio Editor Zhu Xinxin: "They tried
to stir it up carefully so that loopholes will be under control."

On the 19th, to settle public doubts, Chongqing police
argued on microblogs that Zhou Kehua has been killed and
Shapingba District Public Security Bureau is conducting
an in-depth investigation of Zhou Kehua’s former hiding place.
They claimed that the saying,
“Zhou Kehua was not killed” is a rumor.

This official post to refute the rumor attracted
more than 100,000 internet views.
Netizens argued, “No face photograph of the deceased,
no live surveillance video, so much covering, what is it exactly?”

责任编辑: 于飞  来源:..: 转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
