《智取威虎山》 座山雕乃抗日英雄? * 阿.:.新闻网
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《智取威虎山》 座山雕乃抗日英雄?
中国政协主办的《纵横》杂志,曾在2006年第5期刊登的《千秋功过谢文东》一文中指出,座山雕本名谢文东,在日本占领东北期间, 曾组织〝自卫团〞与日军多次作战,后被民众推荐为抗日民众救国军总司令,是东北抗日联军的重要力量。没想到这样一位抗日英雄,在国共内战期间,因拒绝中共劝降,被俘后枪决。

















Movie“Strategically Took Tiger Mountain”:

Zuo Shan Diao is Actually Anti-Japanese Hero?

When talking about“model theatrical works”,

those who experienced the10-year Big Cultural Revolution

still feel frightened.

Recently, the representative model movie

“Strategically Took Tiger Mountain” has been re-packed

with modern technologies and filmed again.

It has achieved0.7 billion Chinese Yuan box office record.

All the party’s state-run media highly praise the movie.

Whereas, some people point out that this movie has distorted

the historical facts and catered to the CCP’s appetite.

The image of Zuo Shan Diao, the negative character

in the movie, is said to be distorted.

Xu Ke, Hong Kong movie director, re-made the“red theme”

movie“Strategically Took Tiger Mountain”.

Box office takings have shot up since it came out on Dec24th

Out of curiosity, a lot the audience watched it to see how

the CCP’s brain-washing tool was re-filmed.

The original version of“Strategically Took Tiger Mountain”

was based on the novel“Tracks in The Snowy Forest” by Qu Bo.

During the Cultural Revolution, Jiang Qing, Mao's wife,

modified the novel and filmed it as a

“revolutionary model theatrical work”.

The movie was once“hot” all over the country, even though

scholars and artists criticized it as a piece of“brain-washing art”

to serve politics.

The movie disappeared once the Cultural Revolution was over.

Unexpectedly, after all these years, it has been re-made.

He Zhe, screenwriter and Vice President of PKU Pen Association,

said:“Model theatrical works are used to agitate hatred

among different social classes.

They served“Nazi” politics to persecute people.”

When Xu Ke’s version of the movie was being promoted,

it was declared that there is no discussion of revolution,

parties or politics in his movie.

However, in literary circles, its subject is still“red”.

The essence of the movie hasn’t been changed

during the re-make.

Ma Qingyun, Chinese film and entertainment commentator:

“Xu Ke’s version of the story is essentially the same thing

with some minor changes.

The film was just re-packed with some fancy techniques,

but the essence hasn’t changed at all.

It’s all about how bad the bandits were and how good the CCP.

How the CCP destroyed the bandits.”

He Zhe:“The theme hasn’t changed at all in the new version.”

What has drawn people’s attention is that both the new

and the old version have been criticized for distorting history.

Ma Qingyun published an article titled

“Strategically Took Tiger Mountain: the worst part of the movie

is its fabrication and distortion of history”.

In his article, he disclosed a totally different“Zuo Shan Diao”.

Ma says that the“bandits” in northeastern China were actually

a piece of unofficial social power during the late Qing Dynasty,

Beiyang and the age of the Republic of China.

They balanced government power like the heroes of Liang Mountain.

Nonetheless,“Zuo Shan Diao” was described as a“wicked” bandit

by the CCP’s military writer Qu Bo.

Ma Qingyun says that“Zuo Shan Diao” was actually a hero

like Zhang Zuolin. When Zhang Zuolin powered in

northeastern China,

he could compete with the government.

After Zhang Xueliang lost his power in northeastern in1931,

it was” Zuo Shan Diao” who insisted on fighting against

the Japanese armies.

When the Japanese annihilated northeastern

anti-Japanese armies on a large scale,

Zuo Shan Diao was left without any staff, food or weapons.

He was forced to go down the mountain.

The Japanese tempted him by offering him a high rank,

but he refused.

In his article, Ma Qingyun says that Zuo Shan Diao ended up

being captured by the CCP when Lin Biao’s armies took over

northeastern China.

Zuo Shan Diao was shot to death without military procedure,

in order to eulogize the CCP.

The anti-Japanese hero and brave man of northeastern China

was distorted as a bandit by Qu Bo.

Zhang Chengjue, former art and literature columnist

of Hongkong United Daily News, said:

”At the time, Lin Biao’s armies did destroy the bandits.

However, the image of Zuo Shan Diao was totally distorted.

Zuo Shan Diao did contribute to resisting the Japanese intrusion.

However, the CCP covered the facts and described him as a thug.”

Consistently,“The Length and the Breadth”,

the magazine held by the Political Consultative Conference,

published an article in its5th issue in2006,

titled“Xie Wendong’s Historical Merits and Faults”.

In the article, it pointed out that Zuo Shan Diao’s real name

is Xie Wendong.

When the Japanese occupied northeastern China,

Xie organized a“self-defending league”

and fought against the Japanese many times.

Later, Xie was elected General by the anti-Japanese people.

He was one of the important forces resisting the Japanese.

At the time, the Japanese commented that

“The three northeastern provinces are small,

but Xie Wendong is big.”

Unexpectedly, such an anti-Japanese hero was captured

and killed by the CCP during the Chinese civil war.

Zhang Chengjue says the CCP distorted a huge amount of history.

It also brain-washes people with art and literature propaganda.

Its tricks are very misleading

and a lot of people have been confused.

Only when historical truths are restored,

will fewer people be deceived.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Xiao Yu

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