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阮铭:〝当然没有发生这件事情,实际上他也上不去。因为他在中国的名声是很臭的,他的爸爸的名声也非常臭,因为他爸爸薄一波是打赵紫阳,胡耀邦的主要打手,头号打手。所以他本来就是在国内是比较臭的, 所以他在中国比较臭呢,他就靠极左派的势力, 用这种唱红打黑,加以靠极左派的势力来挑战中央。 他错误估计形势了。那结果不就失败了。〞






采访/梁欣 编辑/李明飞 后制/周天。

Hu Yaobang’s Think-Tank Talks about Bo Xilai’s Removal

Bo Xilai’s removal from duty was reported by the official
media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on March 15.
Xinhua News Agency’s report marked the fall of Bo,
an important CCP princeling and a core figure of Jiang’s clique.
Meanwhile, the public appeal in China keeps growing for
a review of the unjust convictions officially created by Bo and Wang’s administration over the past few years.
NTD conducted an interview with a member of Hu Yaobang’s (a former CCP General Secretary) think-tank,
former CCP General Secretary, to look at the issue in depth.

Early in February, Wang Lijun’s defection was deemed a crucial
element in the torpedoing of Bo Xilai's political career path.
The two have both been removed from duties.

Yet the CCP authorities have not affirmed whether or not they
shall continue to recognize Bo’s title of Central politburo member.

Ruan Ming, speaking for ex-CCP leader Hu Yaobang,
says that Bo is waiting to “go through the process”.
Bo’s title of Central politburo member now exists in name only.

Ruan Ming says: "Politburo members took the seat through
so called election, currently, he got nothing to do with the title.
After Bo’s official position in Chongqing was removed,
his title of Politburo member became nominal.
Politburo members are elected by the (CCP) Central Committee.
So it’s impossible for him to be elected to the 18th Congress,
and nobody will vote for him."

Ruan Ming has stated that Bo is an ambitious character.
After being "relegated" to Chongqing, Bo still did not give up.
He tried to boost a career rise by launching
the “red-culture and anti-vice campaign”.
However, his right-hand man Wang Lijun’s visit to the US
Consulate in Chengdu was decisive in ruining Bo’s career.

Ruan Ming adds that: "In fact, even if without the incident's
happening, he will certainly be unable to hope for a career rise.
This is because of his notoriety in China. His father, Bo Yibo, was the No.1 thug who moved against Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang.
Due to a notorious reputation, he chose to rely on extreme
left-wing forces, and to launch his own red-culture and anti-vice campaign.
In this way, he challenged and contended with
the CCP’s Central authorities.
He appears to have misjudged the seriousness of the situation,
and this inevitably resulted in his downfall.”

Lawyer Li Zhuang, a victim of Bo’s anti-vice campaign,
was jailed for 18 months.
Recently in his micro-blog, Li stated that many of the
convictions wrongfully obtained in Chongqing’s anti-vice campaign will eventually be annulled.
Pu Zhiqiang, Beijing-based human rights lawyer, said that
along with Bo Xila’s fall, Li Zhuang’s grievance would eventually be redressed.
Pu added that more cases of injustice might surface later on.

Ruan Ming continues: "All of the crimes that Bo and Wang have committed can be traced to
Zhou Yongkang and forces under his command.
For example, when Jiang launched the persecution of
Falun Gong. Zhou and Bo were posse members.
Zhou later, as a partner in crime backed up Bo’s anti-vice
and red-culture campaign in Chongqing, now they still exist"

Ruan Ming reveals the lawlessness of the CCP’s
Politics and Law Committee led by Zhou Yongkang.
Until today, the organ still keeps up its persecution of
innocent and defenseless people, says Ruan.
Such as the case of businesswoman Wu Ying,
who was recently sentenced to death for fundraising.
Another example is the recent draft amendment to the
Criminal Procedure Law, which allows secret detainment.
Ruan Ming thinks that the vindication of unjustly convicted people
should hopefully begin following the removal of Jiang’s clique.
Ruan expects that Zhou Yongkang, who publicly supported Bo,
should become the first sacrifice in the clean up.

Ruan Ming goes on: "Now the power of Political and Law
Committee is still under the control of the true villain of the piece..
The reason for Bo Xilai’s removal is that he had
overstepped the mark.
There is a vast backlog of inside stories which remain
uninvestigated, so at the moment it’s still too early to talk about the overturning of unjust convictions.
I'm hoping to be able to prevent the start of more persecution,
and of even more cases of injustice from happening.
The whole process should first be halted before beginning
any redress in cases of unjust convictions".

Sources have said Bo Xilai is now under house arrest
as a measure against his possible flight. Bo’s whereabouts are therefore a mystery.
Online postings satirize that Bo himself has been one of
the first group of targets to be secretly detained,
a result of the latest draft stipulations of Article 73
in the amendments to Criminal Procedure Law.




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