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Wei Jingsheng and Huang Ciping Invited by Rep. Wolf to Meet and Talk with

Top NASA Officials


On April11,2013, Wei Jingsheng and Huang Ciping were invited by Rep.

Frank Wolf to meet with several top officials of NASA, including the

Administrator of NASA, Charles Bolden, at Rep. Wolf's office.

NASA has been actively seeking to partner with the Chinese government on

space endeavors that the Chinese government treats as"a national defense

program" due to its military nature. Rep. Frank Wolf(R-VA), Chairman of

the Appropriations' Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science of the US

House, has been very knowledgeable about how high-tech could help

suppressive regimes such as China. For years now, Mr. Wolf has been a

leading champion of human rights for the people in the suppressive

countries, including China.

Mr. Wei and Ms. Huang talked to the NASA officials about the truth in

China, through their own personal experience and detailed knowledge of the

true nature of Chinese government's interests to obtain high-level

technology, as well as the possible consequences.

Mr. Wei told the NASA officials that there are two main ways for Communist

China to steal American technology. One is to send someone sneaking into

U.S. companies or research institutions, or to buy one of their staff out.

Another is to directly steal technology through cooperation programs.

These technologies have not only been used to enhance the technology of

Chinese military enterprises, but also have been sold to North Korea,

Iran, Pakistan and other countries, which indirectly threaten the security

of the world.

Mr. Wei said:"Some U.S. companies are deliberately transporting their

technology secretly. The purpose is to raise the technical level of the

enemy, thus they have reason to apply for more funding for research for

updating technology and equipment. However, I do not understand why NASA,

a national enterprise funded by the US Congress, would also want to engage

in that type of cooperation to export technology."

Huang Ciping spoke from two different roles she had in the past. One was

the role of researcher in nuclear science. Once a prodigy child who

attended college without going through high school, she took Madame Marie

Curie as role model to study nuclear physics."After my graduation, I was

working at the Institute of Atomic Energy, which was the place where the

Chinese government designed the nuclear bomb. However, there were two

issues that disturbed me. One was that the Chinese government was

actively exporting nuclear technology to countries like Pakistan, later on

to North Korea and Iran, etc. The other was that there was a secret

'weaponry department' in the Institute composed of Chinese scientists who

could easily visit places like the Lawrence Livermore National Lab and the

Los Alamos National Lab even during the days travel to abroad was very

difficult. Thus ultimately the Communist regime gained the way to make

the neutron bomb."

Ms. Huang said:"The other role was my role as a student leader where I

gained access to other students and scholars. I was the president of

IFCSS(Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA) and

president of the Global Chinese Student Union. I learned that some

students had to promise the Chinese government to gain high-tech

information for various reasons. Of course, often there is a financial

incentive for them to gain. However, in some cases, what the financial

interest American companies lost is not even as bad as the damage to

American's own security and world peace."

As a decades old Internet user since1984 and once a computer network

manager, Huang Ciping also briefed the NASA officials on how the advanced

IT industry has helped the Chinese government to block information flow

and track down dissidents. High-tech is good, but not in an evil regime's

hand."Before when a dissident was calling us from a pay phone, it took

minutes for the Communist regime to locate the phone. Now, with the help

of American technology, it can be pinned down immediately."

Huang Ciping recounted her own experience in dealing with the secret

police in China in1998."I was told that I could have a much better

perspective if I cooperate with the Communist government, including to be

rich. By doing so, one of my old acquaintance who was also an IFCSS

member, became a billionaire, ranked as the number76 richest person in

China. What he did was to help the Chinese government build the great

firewall in China, which is used to restrict freedom and suppress people."

As Administrator Bolden expressed his experience and his views on China,

Ms. Huang responded:"The Chinese government is different from the Chinese

people. Unlike in the USA, the Chinese people do not elect The Chinese

government. It suppresses its people."

Several other human rights activists include head of Laogai Research

Foundation, VOA China Branch chief, head of China Aid Association, head of

World Uyghur Congress, representative from International Campaign for

Tibet, etc. also attended the meeting and spoke of their views.




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