有关美酒的10句金句名言万花筒 ☀阿.:.新闻网
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1、水中现人脸,酒后见人心。In water one sees one’s own face; But in wine one beholds the heart of another.——法国谚语

2、醉人的美酒啊,你已成为我生活中不可缺失的一部分。Good wine is a necessity of life for me.——托马斯•杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)

3、每个人都应该经常沉醉,沉醉于葡萄酒,沉醉于诗歌,沉醉于美德。无论沉醉于什么,只要沉醉就好。One should always be drunk. That’s all that matters…But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.——夏尔•波德莱尔(Charles Baudelaire)

4、如果你内心洋溢着温暖与幸福,来一杯葡萄酒吧!如果悲伤侵袭了你脆弱的心灵,那就再来一杯吧!If your heart is warm with happiness, you’ll need a glass– if sorrow chills your heart, have two!——汉努•雷姆斯利(Hannu Lehmusvuori)

5、每天适量葡萄酒,让你益寿延年,青春永驻。 Consuming wine in moderation daily will help people to die young as late as possible.——菲利普•诺里博士(Dr Philip Norrie)

6、世界上最自然、最文明和最完美的东西莫过于葡萄酒,它不只是单一的感官享受,更是一种愉悦与鉴赏。Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.——海明威(Ernest Hemingway)

7、杯中美酒一饮而尽,千姿百态随之而来。When the wine goes in, strange things come out.——席勒(Schiller)

8、何为好酒?好酒就是能让你从始至终都保持着迷人的微笑的酒。What is the definition of a good wine? It should start and end with a smile.——威廉•索科林(William Sokolin)

9、葡萄酒是万药之首,一旦缺乏,药品使用量就会增加。Wine is at the head of all medicines; where wine is lacking, drugs are necessary.——塔木德经(Talmud)

10、女友如美酒,激情浪漫;妻子似酒瓶,酒去瓶空。A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.——夏尔•波德莱尔(Charles Baudelaire)




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