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M. Stanton Evans: That means that you penetrate the universities, you write the books, the novels, the poetry, the music, the book reviews. And once you can draw the culture, then you can shape the thought of rising generations.


John Stormer: He differed from Marx. Instead of, for example, destroying the Church and the other basic institutions, he said infiltrate them and use them to change the culture.


Dr. Robert Chandler: What Gramsci had to say was that this is the way that government is perpetuated and society is perpetuated is through these Churches because they set the standards. They set the framework of the way people live, of rules, how a family should be structured.


Trevor Loudon: He didn’t want a revolution on the streets that would be overturned by the police the next day. He wanted to change society over the long-term so they would have a revolution without us even realizing it basically.


Hon. Howard Phillips: And the communists had been very effective in promoting their ideology in Hollywood, in the mass media.


M. Stanton Evans: And I think he was quite right. I think that’s exactly what is happening. I think it’s worked, and it’s working right now. And that’s where a lot of these people come from.


Trevor Loudon: And that’s been the big success story of communism in the last fifty years. It’s the professors, it’s the educationalists, it’s the journalists. They are the shock troops, the Gramscian shock troops, of the future.


Narrator: And one of Gramsci’s all-star disciples, Saul Alinsky, became one of the most influential radicals of the1960s.


Trevor Loudon: Saul Alinsky was a prominent radical in1930s Chicago. He worked closely with the Communist Party. He used to go down and train at the rifle range with Leon Despres, who was later a mentor of Barack Obama. They used to train to shoot because they knew the revolution was just around the corner. But that didn’t come, so he got a bit more subtle.


Brannon Howse: Saul Alinsky called for a community organizer to stir things up, to create agitation. In fact, he said, you’ll be accused of being an agitator, and that’s exactly what you are. He wanted the haves and have-nots fighting with each other.


Narrator: It wasn’t until I was watching an old film from WWII that I realized what the Left has been doing in America to pit the poor against the rich, blacks against whites, and the young against the old. It’s the same tactic Hitler used to disunify Germany.


Man in clip from old WWII film: You see, they knew that they were not strong enough to conquer a unified country. So they split Germany into small groups. They used prejudices as a practical weapon to cripple the nation. Remember this when you hear this kind of talk. Somebody is going to get something out of it. And it isn’t going to be you.


Brannon Howse: And they used the conflict as justification for more government to stop the chaos. So they create the chaos, and then they step in as the solution to the chaos. And as Francis Schaeffer said, once this chaos comes, most people will willingly give over to authoritarianism, because they don’t want the chaos.


The Hon. Ed Meese, III: His book was kind of the field manual, if you will, for these activists organizations.


Brannon Howse: Which President Obama studied and taught at a workshop for four years in Chicago as a community organizer for ACORN.


Narrator: As I was reading through Rules for Radicals to see where he was coming from, I just happened to take a look at the dedication in the front of the book. And this is what I saw:“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical...the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.” Saul Alinsky, from Antonio Gramsci, has had an incredible amount of influence on our President[Obama] and on our society. And he dedicates his book openly to Lucifer? Satan? I think that says more about where their ideas and plans are based than anything else.

旁白:我在读《激进分子的条规》(Rules for Radicals)时,想寻找阿林斯基思想的根源。我无意中看到书的一开始有一段献辞。我看到的是:〝我们不应该忘记要对第一个激进者有基本的致意…人类所知道的最早的一位激进者对制度进行了反抗,他的反抗是如此有效,他至少赢得了自己的王国—他就是路西法(撒旦)。〞思想源于葛兰西的阿林斯基,对我们的总统[奥巴马总统]和我们的社会有巨大的影响力。而他把自己的书献给撒旦?魔鬼?我认为这已经充分说清楚了他们的思想和计划的根本来源于什么。

Jim Simpson: You asked what Saul Alinsky’s impact is on the Leftist movement today, and it basically defines it. It defines it.


Narrator: Saul Alinsky took the best of Gramsci and the best of the Fabian Socialist ideas, combined, repackaged, and sold them to the60s radicals. After studying Alinsky, Richard Cloward and his wife, Frances Fox Piven, came up with what is today known as the Cloward-Piven strategy.


Trevor Loudon: Their idea was basically to destroy society, or to destroy capitalism per se, they needed to overload the system. The idea was to get everybody you possibly could on welfare, to get everybody you possibly could basically milking the system in some way or another.


Jim Simpson: It was called the crisis strategy, and it became very well-known by activists and radicals in the60s. They published an article in the May1966 issue of The Nation magazine called“The Weight of the Poor,” in which they outlined their strategy.

吉姆∙辛普森:这叫做危机战略,它被1960年代的积极分子和激进分子所熟知。他们在1966年5月份的《国家》杂志(The Nation)发表了一篇名为〝穷人之重〞(“The Weight of the Poor,”)的文章,在文中陈述了他们的这套战略。

Brannon Howse:[Wade] Rathke read that article, and Rathke ended up starting what we now know today as ACORN. And of course Cloward and Piven had been studying Saul Alinsky. So Antonio Gramsci gives us Saul Alinsky; Saul Alinsky gives us the Cloward-Piven strategy, this husband and wife[unsure35:00] that said let’s collapse the American economy by implementing so many entitlements, so much of a welfare state[that] it collapses. He, Rathke, studied the Cloward-Piven strategy. He starts ACORN.


Narrator: And of course ACORN gave us Obama. And to show what a small world it is, Wade Rathke who started ACORN was the draft resistance organizer for SDS, the group the Fabians started.


Trevor Loudon: They’ve used that strategy ever since to expand voting rolls, to expand welfare rolls wherever they can, basically just to overload the system, to increase the tax burden on the class, and basically bring capitalism one step closer to destruction.


Narrator: I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that we still have open borders, that so many people are dependent on the government, and that the Left keeps pushing these programs when all they’ve done is tear apart the black families in America and create generational cycles of poverty.


Narrator: The last group that has worked alongside the Fabians and the Frankfurt School using Gramsci’s approach is the Communist Party USA.


Dr. David Noebel: Probably the most important book on this subject is called Toward Soviet America by William Z. Foster. William Z. Foster was the head of the Communist Party himself. He ran for the president of the United States in1932. But in the book, Toward Soviet America, he literally lays out, chapter by chapter by chapter, what is entailed to bring about a USSA, not just a USSR.

大卫∙诺伯尔博士:这个题材最重要的一本书可能是威廉姆∙Z∙福斯特着的《走向苏维埃美国》(Toward Soviet America)。福斯特本人是共产党的领袖。他在1932年参加过美国总统竞选。但是他在《走向苏维埃美国》一书里,一章一章清楚地阐述了需要怎样做才能创造出一个〝苏维埃美国〞,而不仅是〝苏联〞。

Narrator: Two of the movements they started in America have played a significant role in tearing apart our families and breaking down our morality.


[On screen: Feminist Movement]


Phyllis Schafly: Betty Friedan is credited with really starting the feminist movement in this country. The purpose really was to attack full time homemakers, to get them out of the home, to make them think they live dreary lives, to make women feel they are victims. It’s the science of victimology. And that is so unfortunate, because the American woman is the most fortunate class of people who ever lived on the face of the earth. And to try to tell them they are victims of an oppressive, unjust patriarchy is just a grievous lie. But unfortunately, they are teaching young women that and have been doing it for many years.


Narrator: While Betty Friedan was pushing her book, Feminine Mystique, she implied that she was coming from the point of being a frustrated housewife herself, who just wanted to be a help to other women. But later in the1990s, it came out she was in fact a radical propagandist for the Communist Party and a staunch supporter of Stalin. So when she had described the American family as“a comfortable concentration camp,” it wasn’t because of her experience at home. It was because she was just doing her part to dismantle our families.

旁白:贝蒂∙傅瑞丹在宣传她的书《女性的奥秘》(Feminine Mystique)时,她暗示她本身曾是一个苦恼的家庭主妇,她只是想帮助其她女性。但是在1990年代末,人们发现她其实是一名共产党的激进宣传人员和斯大林的死忠支持者。当她把美国家庭形容成是〝舒适的集中营〞时,这不是因为她个人在家里的经历,而是因为她就是要来摧毁我们的家庭。

[On screen: The Homosexual Movement]


Dr. David Noebel: I’m a student of communism, and the communists set up various groups in various societies. Their society that they set up to promote homosexuality in this country was called the Mattachine Society. It was founded by Henry Hay, a leading member of the Communist Party. So since I was studying communism and teaching on the issue of communism, you just follow leads, and all of a sudden you realize—what is this Mattachine? I’ve never heard of this Mattachine Society! Well, it was Henry Hay’s organization set up to infiltrate the culture of the United States to make homosexuality normal.

大卫∙诺伯尔博士:我是学共产主义的。共产主义者们在不同的社会成立各种组织。在美国,他们成立了一个推广同性恋的组织,叫做〝马特蕊协会〞(Mattachine Society)。协会的创始人是亨利∙黑尔,他是共产党的一位领导人物。因为我学共产主义、教和共产主义相关的问题,你就抽丝剥茧这样去追踪,突然你发现—这个〝马特蕊协会〞是什么?我从来没有听説过!它其实就是亨利∙黑尔建立的一个组织,用来渗透美国文化,让同性恋正常化。

Trevor Loudon: It’s always been a movement dominated by the Left. It’s all these so-called“-isms.” You’ll find there’s a communist or socialist behind every one of them. And you’ll always see the targets. It’s basically the traditional family unit.


Dr. David Noebel: The war is still against the family. If you go back to the“Communist Manifesto” and read Karl Marx carefully, the war is against what they call the bourgeois family, which was really the biblical family—father, mother, and child.


Hon. Steve King: They want to plow through marriage. They want to change the very definition and meaning of marriage because their open door to engineering society in this utopian way is blocked by the very values of our Christian civilization that’s taught through marriage.


Bryan Fischer: And so the Left just has got to destroy the family, because if there is any one thing that will prevent the Left from carrying out its agenda, it’s healthy and strong nuclear families.


Narrator: And so from the Fabian Socialists society to the Frankfurt School to Antonio Gramsci and the Communist Party USA, from these four, you will find connections to almost every left-leaning person and organization in America. Their influence has been incredible. It was in the1960s[when] all the groups on the Left seemed to realize Antonio Gramsci was right. In a Judeo-Christian society, you will never be able to persuade people to rise up in a Marxist revolution and start killing each other off. The only way to take the culture down is through penetrating the institutions of influence to change the people from within.


[On screen: Why are they so against morality?]


Narrator: I guess the biggest surprise I had while studying these four groups was seeing that a large part of their agenda was trying to make us an immoral people.


The Hon. Ed Meese, III: The communists knew in the1930s and since that time, and the Leftists know today, that if you can break down the cultural traditions, the basic rules of morality, then it’s much easier to move people in different directions that are counter to the good of society.


Wendy Wright: They recognize that it’s all part of the same fabric. Their ideologies all work together to break down families, to break down the sanctity of human life, the value of human life, to break down the idea that there is a God that we are accountable to.


Bryan Fischer: They are essentially validating the Judeo-Christian worldview by the very things they attack because in their effort to destroy our culture, they know that they have to go after the very things that the Judeo-Christian tradition honors and values: morality, belief in God, faith, the importance of family, the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage.


Narrator: It’s amazing our enemies could see our morality was our greatest strength. And yet so many Americans don’t seem to get it. Morality is simply having the character to do what you should do instead of what you have the freedom to do. And that’s the only way freedom works. A people cannot be given freedom without morality or they will self-destruct. And that’s what we see happening in America today. The bottom line is freedom and free enterprise are simply fruit on the tree of morality. Our founding fathers clearly understood this principle, and so do our enemies.


[On screen:“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”– John Adams]


Narrator: There is an important fact we need to face. If we had Ronald Reagan as president, low taxes, and a strong national defense, the ship certainly wouldn’t be sinking as fast as it is now. But it would still be sinking. A booming economy doesn’t take care of the major problems we face: fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce; forty percent of all children born out of wedlock; over three thousand women a day aborting their babies; nineteen million new cases each year of sexually transmitted diseases; schools that teach the children everything is relative—there is no right or wrong; and the list goes on and on. I recently read in our local paper that over the last twelve months, almost seven percent of all high school students in my state tried to commit suicide. Our society is falling apart, whether we want to admit it or not.


[On screen:“My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”– Karl Marx]


Narrator: Karl Marx had the insight to see that dethroning God and destroying capitalism went hand in hand. As you attempt to dethrone God by erasing the morality in a society and destroying His institutions—the family and the Church—you are destroying capitalism because as the families fall apart and the Church loses its influence, society starts to crumble. And then government has to expand to pick up the pieces.


Jim Simpson: The question, as Whittaker Chambers put it, was God or man? God or man?


Hon. H.L. Richardson: Karl Marx was an atheist.


Hon. Steve King: Marx’s philosophy was that people existed for the benefit of the state.


M. Stanton Evans: What Marxism did and does and all the other“-isms” of the modern era is to try to dethrone God by deifying man.


Jim Simpson: You have to discredit God. He’s your competition.


Wendy Wright: The20th century ushered in several ideologies that sought to devalue God and elevate man—communism, relativism, humanism. They all deny that there’s a God, and they claim that by doing so they’re really elevating man. But if you look at how each of those philosophies end up working out in real life, there are always some classes of human beings that don’t deserve the same value or rights as anyone else.


M. Stanton Evans: To turn it around, to believe in freedom the way we have been raised, you have to believe that there’s something precious about every human person. And of course, that’s from the Bible: Imago Dei. We are all created in the image of God. Therefore, every human being is entitled to respect and dignity and freedom. And that is distinctive to Biblical religion. You don’t find it anywhere else.


Narrator: Almost all the ideas that have made America such a unique and great country, our Founding Fathers got straight out of the Bible. I guess that’s why the Left only has a problem with one religion—Biblical Christianity. They never complain about separation of church and state when it comes to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any of the other religions. In fact, a couple years ago, the Dalai Lama came to my town. And during the school day, at taxpayer’s expense, thousands of our local school children were bussed in to hear him talk. I wonder if they would ever do that for someone like Billy Graham. No, they must destroy the Bible’s influence in America, so they can step in with big government in its place. It’s an age-old question. Are we going to believe in God, or are we going to play God ourselves.


Bryan Fischer: Essentially for the Left, the choice that they see very clearly is that people are going to depend upon God or they are going to depend upon government. They want people to depend upon government, so they have to destroy faith in God.


Tim Wildmon: At it’s core, it’s a rebellion against God and God’s laws.


Dr. Robert Chandler: And that’s what the battle is about. That’s what the assault is on. That’s why Christianity is a target.


Wendy Wright: And that’s why we saw the gulags in the Soviet Union. We saw the concentration camps in Nazi Germany. In all the ideologies that elevate man end up devaluing certain human beings.


Narrator: Dictators on the Left—Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and all the others—always have come to power by acting like they’re going to change things to make it better for the people. Yet history has shown us the devastating results that have happened every single time. There is no example in history of big government that didn’t abuse its power over the people. But people who have believed in the God of the Bible, and that rights are a gift from Him to everyone, have always have stood up for the preciousness of every human life.


Wendy Wright: You look at those who have fought for true human rights throughout the ages, and it’s those who do have a strong faith in God. Those who fought against slavery, and those now today who are fighting for the sanctity of human life.


M. Stanton Evans: The Declaration[says],“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Aristotle didn’t believe that. He said some people are born to be slaves, and some other people are born to rule over them. And the reason that you and I know different is not because we’re smarter than Aristotle—he was a smart man—but we have something he didn’t have. We have the Bible. And so, therefore, that’s where we get these ideas. And from pagan antiquity or neo-paganism or all the modernisms, you get the opposite.


Narrator: After studying this topic for the last two years and reading literally hundreds of their books and articles and speeches, I’ve come to the conclusion[that] whether the Left knows it or not, their plans and goals can all be summed up very simply: they are at war with God. A people that are moral and believe their rights come from God would not only never want what they’re selling, but would also never need it. And they know that.


[On screen: How have they pulled this off?]


[On screen: Tools to remake America]



Hon. H.L. Richardson: It’s obvious if you’re trying to subvert a country, you want to control the news. You want to control public opinion.


Janet(Folger) Porter: A lot of people realize, well, there’s a biased media. And most people know that. Even The Washington Post admitted it, yeah, we were biased for Obama. So what?


Cliff Kincaid: And when you enter into the equation“so what,” that means the biases, the opinions of the reporters, enter into what is news. They decide whether you have a right to know.


Janet(Folger) Porter: And it’s no longer a bias. They turned from just political bias to activism.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: They go to the places that influence, or I should say, where they can have leverage.


Cliff Kincaid: Generations of journalists have been trained to interpret events, interpret the news—not report the facts—interpret the news.


Jim Simpson: They do not deal in facts because facts aren’t effective for them. They have very few facts on their side.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: They’ve gone into and penetrated these major areas to where they can influence it in the direction they want to go.


Cliff Kincaid: We’ve seen a massive shift away from old-fashioned objective news reporting to what he called“interpretive reporting”—what others call“advocacy journalism.” And it’s advocacy for a cause.


The Hon. Ed Meese, III: And as a result, we have a news media in the United States that is extremely liberal at the present time.


Jim Simpson: Which was a major, major goal—to control not merely the newsprint, but the television media and Hollywood. Stalin said himself, if I could control Hollywood, I could rule the world.



Beverly Eakman: Children are always the first targets of anybody trying to bring down a system.


[On Screen:“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”– Vladimir Lenin]


Phyllis Schlafly: John Dewey is believed to be the most influential man in the whole area of public education.


Brannon Howse: He went to Russia in1928 to help study the Karl Marx way of education and bring it back to America.


John Stormer: Dewey was an atheist. He was a socialist, a humanist.


Brannon Howse: He was part of the socialist society of America.[He] helped found that.


Phyllis Schlafly: What he believed in was that education should socialize the child to make him a willing tool of the state.


Narrator: It might be surprising to some that the man who is still idolized as the father of public education in America is the very man who did everything in his power to dumb down our children, so that they would willingly accept his vision of a socialist America.


Trevor Loudon: It started with Dewey in the early1900s. It expanded, really expanded since the1960s. The hard Left gets control of the teacher’s unions and the training colleges. If you’ve got those two institutions, you can pretty much dictate all educational policy.


Phyllis Schlafly: The people who were demonstrating against our country and against our government in the1960s have now become tenured professors in the universities. So they’re the ones who are writing the textbooks, teaching the teachers, running the teacher’s colleges.


M. Stanton Evans: And it’s self-perpetuating because once you have the universities, then you train more cadres, and more and more and more.


Phyllis Schlafly: They discovered they could do more to remake our country by going into the schools than they could by throwing bombs.


Narrator: I believe the average patriotic American underestimates the importance and influence education has on their children. That’s how the large majority we had in1980 to elect Ronald Reagan in a landslide has been lost. It’s not because the other side has had lots of children. No, they’re aborting theirs. But instead, they’re capturing ours through the propaganda they teach them seven hours a day for thirteen years and even longer if they attend college. We are losing most of our children to the other side because of the anti-American, anti-God, and anti-free enterprise rhetoric they are filled with in the government schools.


Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: Government schools are not teaching basic reasoning processes. They’re not teaching logic. They’re not teaching actual data of history and science and mathematics.


Phyllis Schlafly: And if your education is rather limited, then you’re inclined to believe that government can be the solution to your problems.


Beverly Eakman: When you look at the desks in the schoolroom, you’ll find four together or maybe a table—they sit around a table. Independent desks are very rare in most classrooms because they don’t want to promote the self-sufficiency, independence mindset.


Dr. David Noebel: You go back to William Z. Foster and his book Toward Soviet America, you will see how he has a whole chapter there on how we have to supplant education in this country and ultimately force every student to attend public school. That’s the other thing. I hope the home-schoolers catch onto this. The home-schoolers and the Christian day school movement are going to have some very rough times ahead of them because the public school crowd cannot afford to have any competition. And they’re being given plenty of competition by the home-schoolers right now.


Trevor Loudon: You see the effects of that in lower educational standards. There’s no more studying of the classics, or studying of the civics, or you know how the US Constitution was formed. It’s all progressive education. It’s all based on identity politics, the“-isms,” the current trendy“-isms”—environmentalism, racism.


Beverly Eakman: They’re training them for the collective and a collective mindset and a dependency mindset.


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