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Agenda: Grinding America Down


Narrator= Curtis Bowers


Clip of Ronald Reagan: Hello, in the traditional motion picture story, the villains are usually defeated. The ending is a happy one. I can make no such promise for the picture you’re about to watch. The story isn’t over. You and the audience are part of the conflict.


Dr. David Noebel: More human beings were slaughtered in the20th century than all previous centuries combined.


Brandon Howse: We’re talking a congressional record.125 million dead.


Jim Simpson: Their entire purpose was to detach our culture from any moral anchors whatsoever.


John Stormer: You look at the changes in America since1960 perhaps. The whole culture has been transformed.


Phyllis Schlafly: They’re coming out of the belief that the village should raise the child. The village means the government.


Brandon Howse: They have deliberately destroyed the American family understanding that’s the foundational block that builds a society.


Tim Woldmon: We’ve come from Norman Rockwell’s[unsure1:40] America to, you know, Hugh Hefner’s[unsure1:45] America.


Dr. Robert Chandler: If we lose the Judeo-Christian framework, we’re lost. Forever.


Narrator: The Left wants you to think the cultural changes that have taken place in America since the1960s have done nothing but progress us forward towards a Brave New World.


Trevor Loudon: They looks at what holds society together. They understand it, but they don’t want that. They want change. And they will subvert and rot every good and decent thing we believe in, because they have a vision for new society. And that must mean the replacement of the old society.


Narrator: This film will show that the Brave New World they seek is nothing more than the failed policies and ideologies of the communism that enslaved over a third of the world’s population during the20th century. It will show that most people on the Left aren’t communists—just the“useful idiots” that Lenin spoke of being used to promote a socialist agenda, which is the first and necessary step towards communism.


M. Stanton Evans: They basically tried to say that the state itself is ultimate. There’s no law higher than the state. And if there’s no law higher than the state, there’s no appeal against it.


Narrator: History has proven beyond any doubt that the free enterprise that freedom produces provides more for anyone willing to work than any other system. So why would the Left still be pushing their socialist agenda on us? I mean, it’s really just microwave communism! There’s only two possibilities: they’re either ignorant, or they’re evil. From my investigation over the last two years into what has caused America’s drastic decline, I am sorry to say, the Left won’t be able to use the ignorant card. They’ve left too much evidence of their agenda in their books, articles, and speeches. No, America has an enemy that is getting very close to accomplishing its plan of destroying the greatest country in all world history.


Jim Simpson: Once people figure it out, they’re going to do what people everywhere do. They’re going to start protesting. They’re going to start revolting. And when that happens, that’s when the powers that be feel threatened and they use the power that they have.


Curtis Bowers: This story really begins for me back in the summer of1992. I got a phone call from an older gentleman I knew who was a writer. And he asked me if I would go attend a meeting for him at the University of California-Berkeley. He told me that the Communist Party USA recently split over differences about how to best take America down. Some were wanting to still work towards a violent revolution, while others were wanting to focus their efforts on using public policy to subvert America from the inside. He was curious what they had to say. I mean, after all, the Berlin Wall had just come down. The Soviet Union had dissolved. And the whole world was saying“Communism is dead.” So why were they meeting and what were they up to? I was in graduate school at the time, and the whole idea of slipping in undercover to a communist meeting sounded pretty neat. So I decided to go. The first surprise I had was when I walked into the auditorium, I was expecting it to be filled with college radicals. But instead it was50,60, and70-year-olds—I mean grandparents—professionally dressed with briefcases. And I realized this might be a little more serious than I thought.


As the weekend unfolded, I listened carefully as they outlined their plan and agenda, and how they were going to infiltrate the institutions of America to influence us in the direction they wanted us to go. To destroy our families, they wanted to promote cohabitation instead of marriage. They wanted to try to get children away and into government programs at the earliest age possible. And they also said they’d like to get behind the feminist movement because they felt it had been very successful in making women discontent with marriage and motherhood. To destroy business, they wanted to get behind the environmental movement. And in1992, the environmental movement was very modest. But they thought it was the only vehicle capable of creating enough regulation and red tape to discourage business growth. And finally to destroy our culture of religion and morality, they said, if we can get Americans to accept homosexuality, they thought it would begin to extinguish our traditional moral values Americans held. I remember thinking at the time, this plan doesn’t seem very realistic. It’s not something I’ll need to worry about in my lifetime.


It was fifteen years later. I was appointed by the governor to be a state representative in the legislature. I’d only lived in my district for two years, so I thought it would be a good idea if I wrote a monthly letter to the editor. Each month I wrote it on a different topic. In January2008, as I was contemplating what to write my letter on, I thought back to the meeting in1992. And I thought of the goals they’d outlined, and where America was today, and I couldn’t believe how successful they had been. I mean, our families were totally disintegrating. The environmental movement had become the most powerful force for destroying our free markets. And hate crimes legislation was being considered in Washington D.C. that made it a crime to even say anything against the homosexual movement. I realized, people needed to know what was going on. After I wrote this letter, within days, people were protesting at the capital. It was the featuring story on the evening news.


News clip:“Controversial comments of state legislature buzzing tonight. After a freshman lawmaker alleges the communist agenda has infiltrated mainstream America, it’s the big story live at6.”


Curtis Bowers: And over forty letters to the editor had been printed in response to what I had said.


[Telephone Beep] Today, I just wanted to give you support on your newspaper article. Don’t let them grind you down. Signed[unsure10:28 bye?].


Curtis Bowers: I realized then, I’d hit on something. One of the letters written in my defense stated that a book from1958 had outlined a similar agenda. And this got my attention. The book was The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen who had been a former FBI agent. And inside the book, it documented forty-five current communist goals from1958. And as I slowly read through the list, seeing how specific their agenda had been to subvert us on the inside, I couldn’t believe it.

柯蒂斯∙鲍渥斯:我意识到,我触到了人们的一根神经。有一封支持我的信里写到,有一本1958年出版的书也列出了类似的行动计画。这引起了我的注意。书名叫做⟪裸体的共产党人⟫(The Naked Communist),作者是克里昂∙斯葛森(Cleon Skousen),是一名前联邦调查局调查员。这本书列出了在1958年,共产党的45个目标。随着我仔细地阅读每一个目标,我发现他们制定了这么详尽的行动计画,要从内部颠覆美国,简直令我难以置信。

[On screen] Goal#28: Eliminate prayer in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of“separation of church and state”.


[On screen] Goal#40: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.


[On screen] Goal#17: Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teacher association.


[On screen] Goal#24: Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them“censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.


[On screen] Goal#25: Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography in books, magazines, motion pictures, and TV.


[On screen] Goal#26: Present home-sexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as“normal, natural, healthy.”


[On screen] Goal#20,#21: Infiltrate the press, gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.


[On screen] Goal#27: Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with“social” religion. Discredit the Bible.


Curtis Bowers: They’d accomplished almost every single one of them. And nobody seemed to be noticing. For at least the last fifty years, they’d been working actively behind the scenes, in the shadows, trying to move our people and our culture in a direction that was designed to destroy us.


Narrator: Someone needed to find out the truth of what had happened to our country. Could all of these very specific goals have been accomplished by accident? Or was there something there under the surface intentionally rotting away America’s culture? I decided to go get the facts from some of my favorite writers and speakers around the country. These are a few of the questions I asked them.


[Question on screen: Is Communism dead?]


Trevor Loudon: The common myth is that communism is dead, but there are more Communist Party members in the world today than there ever have been.


Hon. Ed Meese, III: One of the things the communists are doing worldwide is not using that name. And so what we have is people with some of the same ideas masquerading in the United States under a variety of names. They’re even trying to get away from the word“liberal” to describe them. And they’re trying to call themselves“progressives”.


Jim Simpson: If you go to the Communist Party website, all the programs and policies they support are“progressive”.


Trevor Loudon: So“progressives” are anything from a hardcore liberal to a communist to a socialist. They all call themselves“progressives.” And they all have broadly the same values and work together.


John Stormer: J. Edgar Hoover called them“masters of deceit.” A good magician waves one hand in the air while he’s doing his dirty work with his other hand. And while everybody is saying communism has died, they moved through much of Africa.


Trevor Loudon: Communism is resurgent in South Africa


John Stormer: Into south and Central America


Dr. David Noebel: Right now, six countries in Latin America are now communistic.


M. Stanton Evans: You’ve got communist China. We have Cuba. North Korea. We have Vietnam.


Trevor Loudon: It still dominates behind the scenes in Russia. It’s still very strong in eastern Europe. It’s strong in the EU. It is strong in virtually every country in the world.


Jim Simpson: Whittaker Chambers said that communism succeeds because most people that promote communist causes are not communist—the“useful idiots” that Lenin calls them. It gives it an air of legitimacy it would never have if it was identified with communists and communism.


Narrator: So why has it been so easy for them to get people on the Left who aren’t communist to push for their agenda? Once I looked at the political scale, it all started to make sense. On the far left, you have100% government, and on the far right,0 government. Anarchy is no government and doesn’t make sense at all. On the far left, you have socialism, communism, and nazism—all systems that have a socialist form of government with only slight variances between them. Traditionally, Republicans were slightly to the right of center, and Democrats were slightly to the left. In recent years though, through the radical influence of the media, Hollywood, and the multitude of Marxist professors in our universities, both parties have slid to the left, with the Democrats going so far, they have openly joined hand-in-hand with the radicals. That’s why they all work together. All the groups on the left now have the same goal: a socialist America.


Janet(Folger) Porter: I thought we were over communism. I thought, okay, we won that battle. The Berlin Wall came down. Ronald Reagan won the day. We’ve got to look at how he fought this because we’re fighting it again on American soil, not hostilely attacking us like we feared in the Cold War. It is from within.


Trevor Loudon: And it has no opposition. None. And that’s the frightening thing.


Narrator: I think it’s pretty clear to see communism isn’t dead. They now disguise it by calling it different names. But the ideas behind it are alive and well. Almost one and a half billion people still live in openly communist countries, but unfortunately most of us in America who are under the age of fifty have no idea what communism means to the people who live under it. So my next question was what’s so bad about communism?


Phyllis Schlafly[red dress, curly hair]: Communism is so evil.


M. Stanton Evans: It’s a completely tyrannical system.


Hon. Howard Phillips: The whole history of communism is one of mass murder.


Dr. Jim Bowers: Tens of millions of people brutally murdered by the communists.


Jim Simpson: The mass murder of more people in times of peace than all the wars of history combined.


John Stormer: Each of those countries where they have taken control, millions have been murdered.


Dr. David Noebel: When you’re asking for what is the legacy of Marxism, it is the greatest killing machine in all of human history.


Brannon Howse: We’re talking a congressional record—135 million dead due to communism. I think the real number is probably, if you add in abortions, over500 million.


Hon. Ed Meese, III: The rulers live rather well, and at the same time, you had all kinds of people who were enslaved, put in prison, oppressed. So you had, really, the opposite of what they claimed was going to be the result of their revolutionary activities.


Dr. David Noebel: You would think that if the20th century was the most murderous of centuries, everyone would say, let’s find out why. And the truth is, you can’t even ask the question. It is verboten to even ask the question because the ideas that brought about that mass murder are still being taught in our public schools today.


Narrator: I think one of the reasons why this has happened is because there’s so much confusion surrounding the world communism. Technically speaking, communism is simply the final phase and goal of socialism. And socialism is best described by two words: big government. Government controls almost everything and they use this power to take things by force from one person and give it to another. The liberals in America sincerely believe that this isn’t evil at all. It is what will finally make things fair and just. There’s only one problem that pulls some of us away from this wonderful, utopian vision: history. From history we see that whether it was Hitler’s national socialism or Stalin’s soviet socialism, socialism by whatever name and in all its forms is the ultimate evil. Sooner or later, it destroys everything in its path: law, morality, family, prosperity, productivity, education, incentive, and finally life itself. The problem with socialism is that it creates the conditions for a Stalin or a Hitler to come to power. And that’s why communism has such relevance today. It’s the final destination on the road we’re traveling.

旁白:我觉得这样的事情之所以会发生,其中一个原因是人们对“共产主义”这个概念非常浑淆不清。严格意义上讲,共产主义就是社会主义的最终阶段与目标。而社会主义可以用两个单词最准确地形容:“大政府”(big government)。政府控制几乎一切,并借助这种权力强制性的夺取一个人的东西再交给另一个人。美国的自由派人士真心认为这么做一点也不邪恶。他们相信这是实现真正公平与正义的路径。然而,只有一个原因让我们其中一部分人对这幅美轮美奂的乌托邦景象敬而远之:历史。通过历史,我们看到无论是希特勒的国家社会主义、还是斯大林的苏联社会主义模式,无论它叫什么名字或以什么形式出现,社会主义都是终极邪恶。它迟早会毁灭一切:法律、道德、家庭、繁荣、生产力、教育、激励制、最后是生命本身。社会主义的问题在于,它给像斯大林或希特勒这样的人掌握权力创造了条件。这就是为什么共产主义与今天的我们如此密切相关,因为它是我们现在所走的道路的终点站。

Narrator: Friedrich Nietzsche tried to convince the world that God was dead. Charles Darwin tried to prove humans are simply part of the animal kingdom. And Karl Marx realized that the philosophies of Nietzsche and Darwin would legitimize his own philosophy of communism. He knew their ideas would justify the brutality and slaughter that would be necessary to implement communism worldwide.


Narrator: It was in March of1883, Karl Marx, the father of modern-day communism died. The assumption that communism would die with him was a logical one, since only nine people attended his funeral. In October that same year in London, England, a group was forming called the Fabian Socialist Society.


Dr. David Noebel: The Fabian Socialists decided they were going to socialize the world incrementally. They called it socialism by evolution instead of Marxist socialism by revolution.


Trevor Loudon: It always worked in tandem with the communists. Some Fabians were also communist. There was a bit of interchange of membership.


Dr. David Noebel: And the Fabian Socialists are slowly but surely bringing about the socialization of the world. Europe is pretty well done. They are now working in Latin America. Latin America is not just socialistic in many countries. They’re already Marxist. You have the hardcore Marxists in Venezuela and Nicaragua. El Salvador just went communistic. And of course Fidel is sitting right there laughing at this whole thing. And we haven’t even figured this thing out yet. We don’t even know there’s a bloody, red plague coming up to meet us. We think that we’re just going to watch the cartoons on Saturday morning and everything will be fine.


M. Stanton Evans: They had a lot to do with bad stuff happening.


Narrator: There are two things I found that gave me a good idea where the Fabians were really coming from. First of all, their symbol was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And secondly, George Bernard Shaw who was a leader in the Fabians for almost fifty years said,“I am a communist, but not a member of the Communist Party. Stalin is a first-rate Fabian. I am one of the founders of Fabianism, and as such very friendly to Russia.”


Trevor Loudon: Fabians eventually beget Students for A Democratic Society, which beget the Weather Underground, which beget basically the social changes that have happened in America in the last forty years. Many of the SDS members from the1960s still have an incredible influence on the direction our country is heading. One is the Reverend Jim Wallis, who was president of SDS when he was a student at Michigan State University.


Dr. David Noebel: And yet today, he is the spiritual advisor to the President of the United States[Barack Obama]. They’ve been friends for many years. They go back to Chicago and the Chicago politics crowd. And during the Vietnam War, he was rooting for the Vietcong to beat the United States army, and when they did, he just couldn’t believe it. He said it was one of the happiest days in his life.


Narrator: And another leader in the Students for a Democratic Society and founder of the Weather Underground is William Ayers, who has been a long time friend and neighbor of President Obama. It came out in2009 that Obama’s book Dreams from My Father was even written by Ayers. So the influence from the Fabian Socialist society goes right into the White House.


Narrator: The next group I found that has seriously impacted America’s culture is the Frankfurt School.

旁白:我发现的另一个对美国文化产生重大影响的团体是“法拉克福学派”(Frankfurt School)。

Trevor Loudon: The Frankfurt School was a sort of outpost in America of European socialism.


Jim Simpson: Willi Münzenberg with a few other Bolsheviks founded the Frankfurt School.


M. Stanton Evans: The true leading members were Herbert Marcuse and Franz Neumann. Franz Neumann was in fact a Soviet agent.


Jim Simpson: Their entire purpose was to stand the entire educational system of the West, and the United States in particular, on its head.


Narrator: Bertrand Russell, who worked with the Frankfurt School, said by using psychological techniques to teach the children, we will be able to produce“an unshakeable conviction that snow is black.”


Trevor Loudon: They established a school here.


Brannon Howse: With the help of John Dewey. He helps bring these German intellectuals to America in1933, drop them down at Princeton, Berkeley, Brandeis to go after education and media.


Jim Simpson: Included in those goals were the teaching of homosexuality and sexuality to children, the promotion of excessive drinking, and destruction of religion in the United States. That was a big one.


Trevor Loudon: And they basically started the social rot.


Jim Simpson: Willi Münzenberg said we are going to make the West so corrupt, it stinks.[Actual quote seems to be“We will make the West so corrupt, it stinks”.]


Narrator: I love spending time with my family, July4th, baseball, and apple pie. And my mind can’t even comprehend that there were groups of intellectuals back in the1930s plotting and planning how they could make America so corrupt, it stinks.


Trevor Loudon: There are certain lines and certain limits. And the Left has always pushed it as hard as they can, as far as they can, and will protect any pornographer, any deviant, any negative cultural form they can find basically to degrade the culture.


Brannon Howse: And that goes along with the feminism of today, which was part of the Frankfurt School’s desire to destroy a patriarchal society for a matriarchal society—in other words, remove the father as the loving provider, discipliner, discipler, leader of his home, where you instill virtues, integrity, and modesty. That’s been broken down on purpose, because they know if they can destroy the family, they can destroy a nation. And instead of a father who leads and disciples and protects the home and provides the home, the government steps in as a nanny state.


Jim Simpson: The Frankfurt School developed the concept of cultural Marxism.


M. Stanton Evans: Penetrate the culture, take it over, and then everything else will follow.


Brannon Howse: And of course they did that, and today, we have a complete cultural revolution. As many people in America are familiar with the phrase“make love not war,” that actually came from Herbert Marcuse who was with the Frankfurt School. So these guys went after education, they went for media. They’ve been very successful in changing the entire worldview of Americans through what they call political correctness, but what is really cultural Marxism with the goal being to destroy Christianity, then create chaos, and then move to their ultimate goal which is from cultural Marxism to traditional Marxism which is socialism.


Narrator: Most of the strategy to remake America from within started with Antonio Gramsci, who wrote over2,000 pages back in the1930’s outlining how to take a Judeo-Christian culture down from the inside. The plan he suggested has been the main focus of the Left ever since.


The Hon. Ed Meese, III: Antonio Gramsci was a neo-Marxist philosopher.


Brannon Howse: Antonio Gramsci was an Italian communist.


Trevor Loudon: Antonio Gramsci is probably the biggest troublemaker in the world. He’s probably got more responsibility for social ills than anyone else on the planet.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: He knew of the importance of undermining the morals in the character of this country.


Hon. Howard Phillips: Because America had a strong Christian heritage. You had to attack the culture. You had to change the culture.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: Even the pornography and the areas that most people normally wouldn’t accept.


Dr. David Noebel: He said we’re going to destroy the West by destroying its culture. We’re going to infiltrate, and we’re going to turn their music, their art, and their literature against them.


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