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Wendy Wright: And it seems that they again want to have people be uneducated so then they do become wards of the state. They’re dependent on the government to provide everything for them.


Janet(Folger) Porter: It’s under ten percent of kids[that] believe there’s an absolute right and an absolute wrong. And why are we surprised? We’ve sent our kids into this government system that indoctrinates them, that teaches them about tolerance and diversity and multiculturalism and not about reading, writing, and arithmetic, not about what our Founding Fathers had to say. It’s consequences.


Narrator: Few would argue that the education that children are receiving in the public schools is pathetic at best. But with the amount of tax dollars we spend each year, over twice as much as it would cost to send the students to private school, why do we allow this to continue? The group that my investigation led me to that seems dedicated to making sure the children don’t get a good education who was a real shocker.


Phyllis Schlafly: The schools are pretty much controlled by teacher’s unions, National Education Association.


Mike Smith, ESQ.: If you look at their platform and goals, you would think they’re a socialist or almost communistic organization.


Phyllis Schlafly: They are for the entire feminist agenda, starting with abortion on demand, tax-funded abortions. They’re for the whole gay rights agenda. They’re for the whole globalism agenda. They are extremely anti-parent, and it is an effort to get the children to abandon the values of their parents.


Brannon Howse: National Education Association has no patience, tolerance, or use for traditional teachers. They’re looking for people who want to be agents of change.


Wendy Wright: They want to throw out all the lessons of history, and really it’s an attempt to then impose their own views and ideas onto people, get them to act as activists.


M. Stanton Evans: If you control those institutions, then you can control everything else.


Mike Smith, ESQ.: It’s all public schools, all for their jobs, and they have gotten behind all the radical kinds of curriculum that’s being introduced. They’re for it one hundred percent. They’ve had a tremendous effect on public education. It’s not positive.



Wendy Wright: We also see immorality being promoted through our schools. The kind of sex-ed curriculum that is being used and paid for with our tax dollars would shock most parents.


Narrator: I think one of the main problems we face is parents naively thinking that the schools are the same today as they were when they were young. They don’t realize there is a battle going on in this country for the hearts and minds of our children. The game is between fifteen and twenty-five years of age. That’s the whole game. If you’re over twenty-five, the chances are they’re going to put a few pennies toward you to corrupt you. But their game right now is to corrupt the fifteen to twenty-five-year-olds or less. And right now they’re down to the first grade where Heather has two mommies, daddy’s roommate, gay pride parade. And now by eighth grade, they’ll pass out condoms in school colors because that’s so patriotic.


Phyllis Schlafly: And it’s perfectly obvious that[if] you get a hold of the child early, you can change his values away from his parents’ values and get him to follow you. And they’re very open about saying that. National Education Association has passed resolutions saying they want children from birth.


Narrator: Isn’t that interesting?“The Communist Manifesto” also thought the state should take control of children at birth. The Left has always been good at disguising their real agenda by coming up with phrases made from words we’re very familiar with, but then giving them new definitions.“Social justice” is the current phrase of choice and is being used to teach children the failed Marxist ideas of yesteryear are what they should strive for today.


Brannon Howse: We see“social justice” curriculum today, which is the buzzword for communism, socialism, Marxism, which Bill Ayers is teaching. It’s in many of our colleges. And the social justice curriculum is being taught in high schools all over the nation.


M. Stanton Evans: Justice is good. If you then start calling it something“blank” justice then you’re modifying it. And what it really means is, I think, taking from one group of people and giving to another group. So I would call it social“isms.”


Dr. Robert Chandler: And it’s used to break down the differences between the way things are done and the way it should be done.


Trevor Loudon: So when they’re teaching social justice in the schools, they’re not talking about free enterprise and capitalism and individual self-responsibility—all the things that made America great. They’re talking about the things that made Europe and the Soviet Union and China so bad.


Narrator: The longer we allow our schools to teach the children that America has so many faults, it’s not worth saving, instead of the fact that even with its faults, it is the greatest country that has ever existed, the less chance we have of ever turning our people back from the dead-end road we’re currently on—a road that promises to give us a perfect world if we’ll only give up our sovereignty and our freedom.


Dr. David Noebel: You’re going to find more and more of the following. This is now called a world pledge. We no longer want the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America because that is considered nationalistic. And of course, the socialist, the communist, the Marxist, and the extreme Left wing of the country want nothing to do with it.“I pledge allegiance to the world, to care for earth, sea, and air; to honor every living thing, with peace and justice everywhere.” This came out first of all in Superior, Wisconsin. So Superior, Wisconsin was their guinea pig, and there was very little said against it. And so it would then go to the next, and the next, and the next. Before long you have the whole school system standing up saying“I pledge of allegiance to the world” instead of“I pledge allegiance to the US.” The public schools right now, if you read Toward Soviet America, have nearly accepted every item that William Z. Foster said we needed to place into the public school curriculum.


Trevor Loudon: And we’re seeing the results, you know? People are not as informed as they once were. They think in different ways, and they think in the way that the Left intends them to think.


Narrator: Antonio Gramsci realized that if you can take over the institutions in a culture, you will be able to use those to influence society to create the socialist man you want. I think the most brilliant part of his plan was that he realized you could not only create a man that wanted big government to take care of him, cradle to grave, but—and this is the genius of Gramsci—you could create a man that needed big government to take care of him, cradle to grave. A man so dumbed down and so minimized in society, he wouldn’t have the intellect or character to take care of himself. The reason this is so deadly for America is that once we have a certain percentage of the population in that category, our limited constitutional form of government is no longer possible because too many people won’t be able to exist in that framework. We are approaching that tipping point rapidly.



Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: If you can persuade people that government should be in control of the distribution and use of energy, you can persuade them, or rather, you have persuaded them of the necessary and sufficient condition for government control of the most intimate aspects of our lives.


Trevor Loudon: One of the main thrusts of socialism these days is obviously through the environmental movement.


Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: You know, one hates to pick on Al Gore too quickly and easily, but I read the whole of his book, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit back in1992 when it was first published. And if you know anything about the history of political philosophy, you read the last chapter in that called a“Global Marshall Plan,” and you understand that there is no way to implement what Al Gore was calling for in1992 in that book except by means of totalitarian world government.


Jim Simpson: Patrick Moore, who was a co-founder of Greenpeace, and he was a very dedicated environmentalist, quit Greenpeace when he realized that it had been captured by radical leftists who were intent on using the environmental movement as a vehicle to destroy capitalism.


Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: How many factories work when there’s a power outage? None. You want to hurt business, you want to drive down industrial production, you just drive up the prices of energy, you just diminish its availability, and the easiest way to do that is to make people scared to death of the cheapest forms of energy, which are fossil fuels—oil, coal, natural gas—and nuclear energy. They had already made people afraid of nuclear because of irrational fears of nuclear reactor meltdowns, which were physically impossible anyway, but then they had to figure out a way to make them afraid of fossil fuels. Well the way to do that was to say they’re going to cause catastrophic global warming.


Janet(Folger) Porter: So I used to think this was just one great big distraction. If they want to put their energies toward the environment, but now I see that this is now being turned around and used as a tool to further a socialist agenda.


Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: Charles Rubin, a political scientist who wrote the book, The Green Crusade, has told this story extremely well. Environment comes from a French word meaning“surroundings.” Well, now what is surroundings? Everything around you, right? And so as Rubin points out, environmentalism is literally“everythingism.” And so, if you were a socialist committed ideologically to the notion of government having control of everything about our lives, and you saw that you were losing the contest in terms of the creation of wealth and its distribution to capitalism, you had to find some other basis on which to promote your vision of government and to pursue its implementation. Environmentalism or“everythingism” was the perfect card.

E.凯文∙贝斯纳博士:查尔斯∙鲁宾是一位政治学家,他在《绿色十字军东征》(The Green Crusade)一书中极精彩地描绘了这个故事。〝环境〞一词(Environment)最早来自于法语的〝周围〞(surroundings)。什么是周围呢?就是你四周的一切事物,对不对?所以鲁宾就指出,环保主义实际上是〝一切主义〞。所以,如果你是一名社会主义者,你相信政府应该控制人们生活的方方面面,而你看到在创造财富和分配财富这两方面,你赢不了资本主义,那么你就不得不寻找另外的基点来推动你心目中的政府模式以及实施你的计划。而环保主义,或者说〝一切主义〞,就是你的一张王牌。

Narrator: In December of2009, when the“Climategate” scandal broke open, and it became public that even the leaders of the movement knew the whole global warming idea was a farce—it wasn’t just them having bad data—we as Americans knew, once and for all, that this movement was simply part of their agenda. It’s my guess that regardless of the evidence that comes out against them, they will not let this tool they have waited for the last hundred years for, go to waste—a tool that gives them the absolute power and control they want, but allows them to get it under the guise of saving the planet.


[Have they been successful?]


Trevor Loudon: He was born of left-wing parents. He was mentored as a young man by a Communist Party member called Frank Marshall Davis. Now Davis joined the Communist Party in Chicago, and he was very well connected there. So young Obama eventually wound up in Chicago, and he started working with the very same people that had been working with his friend Frank Marshall Davis.


Hon. Steve King: All of his associations have been with people that are way left of center—hardcore left.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: And he’s doing nothing more than what is predictable based upon that background.


Hon. Steve King: The nicest word for his agenda is a“socialist” agenda. And we could go on down the line of the other descriptors of the types of an economy and society that he’s building.


Trevor Loudon: He’s all the things Gramsci wanted to use for social change. Yeah, he’s the epitome of the movement.


Narrator: If you think there’s no way that so few could be so effective, consider this: When the Communist Party USA split in1992, the group that formed was the Committees of Correspondence. And it was their meeting I attended that summer at Berkeley. As I started researching that group, I saw that many of the same people who started or have worked with the Committees of Correspondence and its sister organizations were the same people who were involved with President Obama’s campaign and administration. I found file after file on Trevor Loudon’s website documenting, with footnotes and photographs, these connections. The radical Left has been so successful, they have persuaded the American people to put one of their own in the White House.

旁白:如果你不相信这么一小群人能做成这么大一件事,请想一想这点:当美国共产党在1992年分裂以后,随后建立了〝联络委员会〞(Committees of Correspondence),我那个夏天在伯克莱大学参加的实际上就是这个委员会的会议。我在展开对该组织的调查之后发现,很多与这个组织及其姐妹组织共事或曾经共事的人都参与了奥巴马总统的竞选与行政团队。我在翠弗尔∙路顿的网页上找到很多文件证明这些联系,有脚注、有照片。极端左派人士简直太成功了,他们竟然説服了美国民众让他们的人入主了白宫。

Dr. David Noebel: Socialism and Marxism go together like Mary and Mary’s little lamb.


Trevor Loudon: The general populace knows very little about what the socialists are up to.


Dr. David Noebel: If you’re going to find socialism, you’re going to find the hardcore communists right behind it.


Trevor Loudon: One of the main avenues has been through what they call the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Twenty percent of the US Congress are members of this organization. They have chairmanships of most of the major House committees and are easily the single most powerful bloc in the US Congress, and virtually all of them are tied to either Democratic Socialists of America, the Communist Party USA, or other radical organizations.


Dr. David Noebel: We’re literally, at this very time, watching what’s transpiring and has been going on, from the Fabian Socialist point of view, from1883 to the present. So these guys don’t give up.


Trevor Loudon: And they’re going at breakneck speed because they know they’ve got an opportunity now to change America in a way that can never be changed back. And they’re going for broke.


Dr. David Noebel: The Bolsheviks, they’re just waiting in the woods, and they’re just smiling like you can’t believe. You just read the Communist Party USA blog, and they just can’t believe their good fortune. Every time they turn around, they just can’t believe this is happening. They’re like me. I’m a Christian conservative, and I can’t believe they’ve been so successful in doing this.


Narrator: The Left has started multitudes of foundations and nonprofit organizations, many of which are using our tax dollars to grind America down.


Hon. Ed Meese, III: They use all kinds of patriotic words to masquerade an extreme Leftist orientation, which, if anything, would enslave the people in the same kinds of things with the same kind of ultimate results as communism had.


Dr. David Noebel: The communist will let the socialist go so far, and then ultimately, the communists will really turn on their fellow socialists, and they’ll wipe them out too. And their attitude I think is really, probably, pretty close. They figure, look, if these socialists betrayed their own country, the chances are once we get in power, they’ll betray us too. So they’ll figure, let’s just rub them out right now. And at a given point, you’ll see in the history of communism that they’ve been very effective in rubbing out their fellow socialists who brought about their socialism before the Bolsheviks and the hardcore Communists—with a capital“C”—took them over.


Jim Simpson: One thing we do really have to recognize is this is a domestic enemy. This is not just people with different ideas. These are not just nice folks who have funny, silly ideas that they will eventually figure out are just not very mature. No, these people are dangerous, dangerous enemies. And they are intent on overthrowing this country and imposing the socialist system that will mean extreme hardship for the vast majority of people in this country.


Hon. Steve King: That’s true with them constantly seeking to re-engineer society, so they reach this level of utopian perfection. Where[as] we on the other side, we advance the idea that this is about the cause of freedom, and if it hadn’t been for Jesus Christ, there never would have been any United States of America, because the inspiration for freedom drove our Founding Fathers. They were informed by their faith, and, I believe, guided by the hand of God.


[Is it too late?]


Hon. H.L. Richardson: No.


M. Stanton Evans: No.


Hon. Ed Meese, III: Perhaps, treacherously close.


Dr. David Noebel: It is never over until it’s over. When the fat lady sings—isn’t that the slogan—when the fat lady sings, it’s over. Now, she might be clearing her throat.


Trevor Loudon: We saw the great country of Germany in the1920s brought to its knees. Hitler came to power and destroyed the country. We see countries like Zimbabwe in Africa, which was once a prosperous breadbasket, now just wreaked. Argentina was destroyed by the socialist[Juan] Perón in the50s. It was one of the richest countries in the world. So no we’re not at the point of no return. But it’s getting pretty late in the day. There’s no time to be casual. That’s for sure.


Narrator: We’ve spent too many years thinking because we have Republicans in office or the stock market is doing well that everything is okay. This is why the Left has gained so much ground. It doesn’t matter who’s been in office. They’ve just continued pushing forward with their agenda. Well, I believe this is our last chance to push back.


[What must be done?]


Dr. David Noebel: If people are looking for something to do, we have our work cut out for us.


Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.: I believe one of the things that we can do that will have a profound impact in changing America is praying.


Janet(Folger) Porter: Soon as we get off our knees, we need to get on our feet.


Tim Woldmon: Become educated about what’s going on in the country.


Hon. Howard Phillips: Spend time reading.


John Stormer: Understand their philosophy and their goals.


Dr. David Noebel: They have to master this documentary. They have to go over it a dozen times.


Narrator: It might be having a monthly movie night with family and friends watching one of the many great documentaries out there about what is going on in our country.


Hon. Ed Meese, III: One of the things that I think people in the United States who believe in our country, believe in our values, can do, quite frankly, is stand up for those values, to make their views known.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: And there are times that you’ve got to speak up. And you’ve got to call things what they are.


Wendy Wright: We need to be willing to be criticized, and to not be silent because of the criticism.


Janet(Folger) Porter: It was Martin Luther who said if we’re faithful on all battlefronts besides precisely where the battle is the hottest, then we’re traitors to the cause.


Brandon Howse: I like to quote by Abraham Lincoln, who said silence makes cowards out of the best of men. And we’ve got a lot of people who need to be speaking up right now.


Janet(Folger) Porter: We have an obligation to speak the truth about the policies that are taking us a hundred and eighty degrees from God’s will.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: Expand within your Church. Expand within the people that you have contact[with]. Bring them up to speed in knowledge on what’s going on.


Narrator: We need to organize those around us. By simply mobilizing the unique groups of people we are in contact with and being their source of information, we can have an extraordinary effect.


Jim Simpson: Lenin said that the organized minority will beat the disorganized majority every time.


Tim Woldmon: Why should we be buying products from companies that are going to fund organizations that attack our values?


Dr. David Noebel: They need to be really smart in using the mass media. They might want to blog.


Trevor Loudon: Using the power of Youtube and that sort of thing to educate as many people as possible. A good Youtube video can reach millions of people. And if Susan Boyle can do it, why can’t we?

翠弗尔∙路顿:利用Youtube等这类工具的威力,尽可能把信息告诉更多人。一个好的Youtube视频可以让数百万人看到。如果Susan Boyle能成功,为什么我们不可以?

Narrator: If you do the right kinds of things on Youtube that are creative, and do them frequently, you can drive a message through society, influencing millions at almost no cost.


Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.: We need to be the people who graciously, but consistently, make contact.


Mike Smith, ESQ.: And express to those folks we elected what we want them to do, and what we believe in, and what we think is right. And if they don’t follow those things, then we need to make efforts to get them out and get other people in that will.


Trevor Loudon: Take the good ones and stick to them. Don’t waste the time on people who won’t stand up for their country.


Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.: All the others are making contact. The people who really want to honor America need to make contact.


Narrator: We also need to be influencing our own families. We’ve got to teach our own children and grandchildren the difference between truth and error, why they believe the things they do, and the true source of America’s greatness.


Dr. David Noebel: If what we’re talking about is true, the most important thing we can do is protect our young because that is where all of this is leading. They need to get that younger generation under their belt.


Mike Smith, ESQ.: And more and more parents are going to have to say that they’re just going to have to sacrifice and take responsibility for their kid’s education because that’s really where it starts—to impart that belief. The southern baptist, we’re seeing that eighty five percent of their kids, after they get out of their home, are essentially rejecting their faith, rejecting what they were taught. And of course, I think the reason for that is because their parents didn’t have a lot of influence over them.


Phyllis Schlafly: I believe the public schools are the greatest cultural influence in this country.


Dr. David Noebel: You homeschool your kids or get them into Christian day school.


Janet(Folger) Porter: If there is any way at all, homeschool your children. Homeschoolers out test everybody.


Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: Our children need to be taught from Scripture a properly Biblical worldview.


Mike Smith, ESQ.: That requires time. It requires effort. It requires purpose.


Dr. E. Calvin Beisner: Our minds should be the sharpest minds in the world.


Mike Smith, ESQ.: We need to work within our family to educate our children on what kind of country they live in and build their faith and then get involved.


Narrator: The Left has been working for decades to push us away from God and His laws, and we need to be willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to turn our country back to Him. Throughout our history as Americans though, there has always been a great price to be paid for preserving, protecting, and defending this great land.


Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.: The people who built America paid a great price. The people who went to war for our nation, boy, did they pay a price. And one of the American values was we will pay a price for what is right. We will give of ourselves even if it requires the giving of our lives. That was an American value. That’s why it is such a heroic and honorable thing when a soldier defending us pays that price. That’s like when you go to Arlington Cemetery in Washington and the Tomb of the Unknown[Soldier]. You stand there and you say this is America. We were the people who so believed in these values that it’s an honor to stand for even if it can cost you your very life.


Wendy Wright: One thing I think we do need to remember though is that as we look at those we consider to be heroes in the past, they weren’t people who just went along with the status quo. They weren’t people who were just saying what was accepted at that time in history. They were people who were rising up above the evil that was being committed in their culture at that time. That’s why they were heroes because they weren’t like everyone else.


Hon. H.L. Richardson: Never, ever lose sight of the power of one individual American. They can have an unbelievable magnifying effect just by the very fact they make up their mind to do so.


Janet(Folger) Porter: I believe that’s the only chance, the only hope we have as a nation. Hope is not found in rhetoric. Hope is found in God, the God of Creation. And you know what? Our Founders were in covenant with that God.


Dr. Jim Bowers: You need a dedicated, informed, praying Christian making things happening and being determined to do so.


Narrator: Time has only allowed me to present a fraction of what I found. The reason I call this film“Agenda” is because I wanted to make a clear distinction between what I was researching and all the conspiracy theories out there. The dictionary says a conspiracy is an evil plan formulated in secret by two or more persons, but an agenda is simply a list of things to be done. At every turn of my investigation, I found agendas by people and groups of the Left outlining their plan in their own words. They’ve been doing most of this right out in the open. Some of you might be thinking these Marxist ideas aren’t the most serious threat we face. What about militant Islam, our open borders, the national debt, or even China? Well, I agree. America is facing so many serious threats right now. But the reason I believe this is the most dire is because it’s destroying us on the inside. Through the political correctness and dumbing down, it’s causing us to lose our ability to call evil evil and stand against it. I fear for our country. If we go along business as usual, not informed, not aware of what’s going on, then the very small minority, that have a plan and are great at organizing the uninformed and misguided, will make sure their plan is carried out. I hope you realize it won’t just be your children and grandchildren that pay the horrific price of living in the society they’re trying to create. No, it will be far worse than that.


Trevor Loudon: Every time a civilization goes down or a country goes down, militarily or economically, somebody else fills the gap. Now, if you look around the world now, it’s going to be China, which is massively arming. You’ve got Russia, which is becoming increasingly belligerent. You’ve got the radical Islamic world, which works hand in glove with Russians and the Chinese all the time. You’ve got a virtually red Latin America. You’ve got a neutral, socialist Europe. So America hasn’t got a lot of friends left in the world. Now, that’s not just going to affect America. That’s going to affect every single remaining country in the free world. Who’s going to stand up to China if America doesn’t? Who’s going to stand up to the Russians? Is Europe going to do it? Australia? New Zealand? Canada? Not a chance. If America—and this is the point I think Americans need to comprehend—if America goes down economically, it will go down militarily. If America goes down militarily, we all go down. The free world is finished. And it will be finished for a very, very long time.


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